Daily Rates*

Day Pass: $16

Kid's Day Pass (under 12): $13

10 Visit Punch Card (weekend access): $130

5 Visit Punch Card (weekend access): $70

Shoe Rental: $7

Chalk Bag Rental: $3

Prepaid monthly rates*

One Month Prepaid: $75

One Month Family Prepaid: $125

*Rates include access to our bouldering wall and exercise equipment.


First Time & private Rates

Private Sessions: $65 per session

(Private sessions may occur outside of our normal operating hours.)

EFT Single Memberships

Please note that all EFT memberships require a ONE TIME $25 startup fee.

Basic Membership: $25/month (Weekend access from 7 am - 7pm))

V2 membership: $65/month (Sun thru Sat access from noon-9pm)

VIP Ciba Membership: $100/month (24hrs access)

EFT family membership

Basic Membershp: $40 (Weekend access from 7 am - 7pm)

VIP: $148 per month for the first two members, $20 per month for each additional member. (24hrs access)

V2: $106 per month for the first two members, $15 per month for each additional member. (Sun thru Sat access from noon-9pm)

*The Single and Family Memberships are monthly auto pay plans (also known as EFT - electronic funds transfer).

Gym Access

This climbing facility is access through a dial code. This code will be provided to the individual making the purchase. Once the transaction gets approved, an email or text will be sent with the code.